Saimers' Cafe

Saimers in focus Do you know buses run in every marathon and each has a timing? The bus denotes a Pacer, a seasoned runner who sets the pace for a group of co-runners to complete the distance within a targeted time. Saimer Hari, Project Manager at our Hyderabad office, led the 5:30 bus (five hours and thirty minutes to finish a marathon) at the recently concluded NMDC Hyderabad Marathon. In the last 7 years, Hari has completed 15,000 kilometres as a road runner, which includes participation in 3 Ultra Marathon events, 12 Full marathons and several half marathons. As a Randonneur cyclist, Hari he has covered 15,000 km and was awarded the title of Super Randonneur by Pune Randonneurs. What is the passion closest to the pacer’s heart? Mentoring new runners and helping them achieve their personal best. Cyclist, Runner, Pacer, Mentor, Saimer 22 Hari Prasad Project management Shamirpet