The values that are sacrosanct to Sai Life Sciences are an inspiration to Vijay. “Sai values - Integrity, Respect, Transparency, Collaboration, Ownership and Reliability - have made a difference in my life.” Vijay Harshad Bhati Process Engineering, Shamirpet A new beginning and a new learning’ is how Naveen describes his entry into Sai Life Sciences. “I have learned a lot in a short span. The Company provides space for trainees to explore different techniques. I see a very welcoming environment which gives me a good scope for my future in science.” Naveen Abhilash Ballary Biology, Shamirpet For Ruby, a native of Himachal Pradesh, compatibility with a new place, new people, new group and different languages were apprehensions when she joined the Quality Control team at Bidar. “After I was onboarded, I became familiar with the people, systems, and work culture. Everyone is very helpful in my department, it’s comfortable working in here and yes, I have also made some friends here!” Ruby Pathania Quality Control, Bidar 38