Saimers' Cafe

In the wake of a lengthy lockdown, it was found children from government schools had little or no interactive learning, leading to regression in knowledge and causing an even deeper impact on their social-emotional health. The Sai Champions for Children program was initiated last year in three government schools to support the continuation of learning. With a team of 14 mentors, all Saimers, weekly virtual sessions were held for a group of children every Sunday, and in some weeks more than once. The mentors provided academic support and served as a role model to the children. In addition, industry professionals such as medical doctors and engineers came forward to counsel the students. Now that normalcy is resuming, the Program has been brought to a formal close. To mark its conclusion, Ms. Sudha Kanumuri, along with some of the mentors, visited the schools in March-April. Each student received a Sai Mug as memento. In addition, every mentor nominated “Star Students” from their group. The Stars were awarded a set of books for early readers. Sudha Kanumuri Corporate Akshaya Sampath Shamirpet Gopalarao Y Shamirpet Harika A Corporate Swetha Karka Corporate Priyanka P Bidar Latha J Shamirpet Hitesh Desai Bidar Vamsi Adithya N Bidar Ranjana Soman Corporate G J Raghavendra Shamirpet Rajarao T Corporate Vinoth Kumar GP Corporate Ramesh Ramagoni Shamirpet Mentors and Students…Make it Better Together “ Note: Some of these mentors have moved on to other jobs / careers, but still fondly recall their association with the program! “Looking back, every effort you took proved you were truly a champion for the children. Your participation and selfless service reaffirms our corporate ethos – Make it Better Together!” About the role of Mentors, Ms. Sudha Kanumuri said, 5