7 Catch-up with Saimer Tejaswini: National level Throw Ball Player The rule in Throw Ball is you receive with two hands and release with one, within three seconds. The ball is served using the palm of any one hand and above the shoulder level. If you want to know more about the game, ask Tejaswini Bommidi, a national level throw ball player and captain of the winning Sai Josh 2023 team. She captained Andhra Pradesh in National School Games in 2011-12 and that was the year her team won the bronze. Tejaswini recalls receiving the national level trophy in the presence of family members and school management. “My parents, who are everything to me, felt more triumphant than me. It was an adorable moment,” she says. Tejaswini Bommidi PR&D, Shamirpet Saimers in focus