49 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33% Corporate 100% Manchester 77% Unit 2 Our Employees: At a glance Rate of new hires Senior management hired from local community By age group By gender By region Under 30 30-50 Over 50 53% 46% 1% Male 82% Female 18% Telangana 69% Karnataka 27% Manchester 4% Parental leaves Male: 131 Female: 8 Male: 131 Female: 6 Male: 111 Female: 6 Male: 100% Female: 75% Male: 85% Female: 75% Total number of employees who took parental leave Total number of employees who returned to work after taking parental leave Total number of employees who returned to work after taking parental leave and employed 12 months after their return Return to work rate of employees who took parental leave Retention rate of employees who took parental leave 70% 30% Permanent Male Temporary Female 90% 10% .