Sai Life Sciences Sustainability Report - 2023-24

121 S. No. Key Performance Indicators UoM FY22 FY23 FY24 Environment 1 % of the total workforce across all locations who received training on environmental issues % - - 83.16 2 % of all operational sites for which an environmental risk assessment has been conducted % 100 100 100 3 Total energy consumption from renewable sources GJ 44100 62568 80636 4 Total energy consumption from non renewable sources GJ 73188 77940 80248 5 Total energy consumption (renewable and non-renewable sources) GJ 117288 140508 160884 6 Total Scope-1 GHG emissions tCO2e 9838 12610 15640 7 Total Scope-2 GHG emissions tCO2e 16061 17537 15966 8 Total Scope-3 GHG emissions : Employee Commute tCO2e - 1176 1240 9 Total Scope 3 GHG emissions : Business travel tCO2e - 513 487 10 Total Scope 3 GHG emissions : Upstream transportation tCO2e - 1877 1734 11 Total Scope 3 GHG emissions : Downstream transportation tCO2e - 2298 589 12 Total water consumption ML 120.7 139.6 156.4 13 % of sites covered under Climate risks and opportunities assessment % 0 0 100 14 Biodiversity Nos - 5107 6256 15 Air Pollution, Particulate Matter (PM) Kg - - 3559.925 16 Air Pollution, NOx Kg - - 2883.724 17 Air Pollution, SO2 Kg - - 2691.175 18 Air Pollution, CO Kg - - 7.207 19 Air Pollution, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Kg - - 0.03 20 Coal consumption MT 4225.49 5630.75 6590 21 Furnace oil consumption MT 193.65 203.73 227.87 22 Diesel consumption KL 165.64 218.28 248.23 23 ODS consumption R22 Kg 428.8 428.8 431.5 24 ODS consumption R134a Kg 33.9 33.9 507.4 25 ODS consumption R404a Kg 59 59 84.5 26 ODS consumption R410a Kg 20 20 32 27 ODS consumption R23 Kg 4 4 0.5 ESG dashboard