Sai Life Sciences Sustainability Report - 2023-24

122 S. No. Key Performance Indicators UoM FY22 FY23 FY24 Environment 28 ODS consumption R32 Kg 2 2 25.5 29 ODS consumption R290 Kg 0 0 0.6 30 ODS consumption R600a Kg 0 0 0.8 31 Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and/or voluntary codes concerning the health and safety impacts of products and services Nos 0 0 0 32 Total weight of pollutant emitted to water (COD) Kg - - 680.35 33 Total weight of pollutant emitted to water (TDS) Kg - - 1946.87 34 Total weight of pollutant emitted to water (TSS) Kg - - 353.44 35 Total weight of hazardous waste MT 1253 2041 2151 36 Total weight of non-hazardous waste MT - - 409 37 Total weight of waste recovered KL - 274 299 Ethics and sustainable procurement 38 % of total workforce trained on business ethics issue % 100 100 100 39 Number of reports related to whistleblower procedure Nos 0 0 0 40 Number of confirmed corruption incidents Nos 0 0 0 41 Number of anti-competitive cases or behaviour Nos 0 0 0 42 % of operational sites for which an internal audit/risk assessment concerning business ethics issues has been conducted % 0 0 0 43 % of operational sites with certified anti-corruption management system Nos 0 0 0 44 % of operating sites certified with ISO 27001:2022 % 100 100 100 45 % of employees trained on prevention of security information breech % 100 100 100 46 No. of incidents on information security breach Nos 0 0 0 Labour and human rights 47 % of all operational sites for which an employee health & safety risk assessment has been conducted % 100 100 100 48 % of the total workforce across all locations represented in formal joint management-worker health & safety committees % 40 40 43 49 % of the total workforce across all locations who are covered by formal collective agreements concerning working conditions % - - 80