Sai Life Sciences Sustainability Report - 2023-24

123 Sl. No. Key Performance Indicators UoM FY22 FY23 FY24 Labour and human rights 50 % of the total workforce across all locations who are covered by formally-elected employee representatives % 0 0 0 51 % of the total workforce across all locations who received regular performance and career development reviews % 100 100 100 52 % of the total workforce across all locations who received career- or skills-related training % 100 100 100 53 % of the total workforce across all locations who received training on preventing discrimination and human rights violations % 100 100 100 54 % of the deployment of labour or human rights actions throughout all company operations/workforce % 100 100 100 55 Compensation for extra or a typical working hours paid Yes / No Yes Yes Yes 56 % of operating sites certified with ISO 45001 certification % 60 60 60 57 % of operating sites certified with ISO 14001 certification % 60 60 60 58 % of total employees who received a regular performance and career development review during the reporting period (* Eligible employees) % 100 100 100 59 Number of child or forced labour incidents reported Nos 0 0 0 60 % of employees trained on discrimination or harassment issues % 100 100 100 61 Number of issues of discrimination and physical, psychological and verbal abuse in the workplace Nos 0 0 0 62 Lost time injury (LTI) frequency rate for direct workforce # 0.01 - 0 63 Lost time injury (LTI) severity rate for direct workforce # 0.02 - 0 64 Number of fatalities as a result of work-related injury Nos 0 0 0 65 Rate of fatalities as a result of work-related injury Nos 0 0 0 66 % of women employed in the workforce % 11 13.8 14.3 67 % of women in top executive positions (senior management) % 7 10 7.3 68 % of women within the organization's board % 14 14 14 69 Average unadjusted gender pay gap junior management Ratio 0.84 0.87 0.87 70 Average unadjusted gender pay gap middle management level Ratio 0.91 0.9 0.84 71 Average unadjusted gender pay gap top management level Ratio 1.10 0.83 0.99 72 % of workers from minority groups and/or vulnerable workers employed in relation to the whole organization (based on disability) % - 0.07 0.07 73 % of workers from minority groups and/or vulnerable workers in top executive positions % 0 0 0