Sai Life Sciences Sustainability Report - 2023-24

136 OE Operational Excellence OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer OHC Occupational Health Centre OHS Occupational Health & Safety OJRT Other Job-Related Training OJT On the Job Training OT Over Time PAT Profit After Tax PB Production Block PCA Pressure Compensatory Aeration PET Polyethylene Terephthalate PHA Process Hazard Analysis PHFI Public Health Foundation of India PM Particulate Matter PMDA Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency PMI Process Mass Intensity PMS Performance Management System POSH Prevention of Sexual Harassment PP Polypropylene PPA Purchase Power Agreements PPE Personal Protective Equipment PPPU Pressure Powered Pump PSCI Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative PSSR Pre-Start-up Safety Review PTS Powder Transfer System PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride QA Quality Assurance QC Quality Control QOTIF Quality On Time In Full R&D Research & Development RCPs Representative Concentration Pathways RNA Ribonucleic Acid RO Reverse Osmosis RSM Regulatory Starting Material RT Room Temperature SASB Sustainability Accounting Standards Board SA 8000 Social Accountability Standard SBTi Science Based Targets initiative SCM Supply Chain Management SCOC Supplier Code of Conduct SEC Specific Energy Consumption SDG Sustainable Development Goals SFC Superficial Fluid Chromatography SFTI Shopfloor Transformation Initiative SGMP Scheduled cGMP Training SMART Star, Meritorious, Adequate, Reasonable and Trailing SME Small and Medium Enterprise SO2 Sulphur Dioxide SOJT Scheduled On the Job Training SOP Standard Operating Procedure SPM Suspended Particulate Matter SRS Solvent Recovery System SSPs Shared Socioeconomic Pathways STP Sewage Treatment Plant SUP Single Use Plastic TAT Turn Around Times TCFD Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures TDS Total Dissolved Solids TPTO Third Party Technical Overview TDS Total Dissolved Solids