Sai Life Sciences Sustainability Report - 2023-24

26 Sustainability focus The Sai Board of Directors plays a critical role in overseeing the company’s sustainable development, strategic planning, and risk management policies. At the Board level, the Management Committee holds overall responsibility for the management, goal setting, performance, and long-term success and sustainability of Sai. To ensure effective execution, additional corporate and site-level committees are in place to implement and monitor new initiatives, as well as to identify emerging opportunities. Our Sustainability Governance Council is responsible for integrating sustainability matters into business strategy and decision-making on critical matters. It oversees sustainability performance of the organization, progress against the targets and suggests improvements. The council comprises Board of Directors, CEO, COO and CFO. Sustainability Cell – Corporate is responsible for tracking and reporting sustainability performance and initiatives against targets. The corporate cell is headed by COO and comprises of all functional heads. The Sr. VP - HSE & OE convenes the meeting and primarily responsible to integrate the SDG targets in the overall planning process across all cross functions. The cell’s primary function is to assist the Governance Council in developing recommendations in connection with its strategy, standards, processes, and approach to environmental, social and governance matters. Board Committees The Board of Directors at Sai Life Sciences is supported by several key committees, each tasked with overseeing critical aspects of the company’s governance and operations. Report genuine concerns of Directors and employees Directs the company’s efforts towards social and environmental responsibilities, ensuring that CSR initiatives align with the company’s values and contribute meaningfully to the community Responsible for monitoring the performance of Independent Directors and assisting the Company in implementing governance practices Address and resolve the grievances of security holders of the Company Responsible for the appointment, evaluation, and compensation of the Board members and senior executives. It ensures that the Company attracts and retains top talent and that compensation practices align with performance and long-term value creation Oversees the integrity of financial reporting, internal controls, and the audit process. It ensures compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, while also assessing risks and implementing strategies for risk management Vigil Mechanism Committee Independent Directors Committee Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee Stakeholder’s relationship/ investors grievance redressal Committee Nomination & Remuneration Committee Board Committees Audit Committee