Sai Life Sciences Sustainability Report - 2023-24

28 We conduct animal testing primarily on rats and mice, adhering to the highest standards of care and ethical practices. Our facility is accredited by The Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC), reflecting our commitment to an effective health and safety program for staff involved in animal care. Animals are housed in autoclaved polycarbonate cages, with rats accommodated 2 to 3 per cage and mice up to 5 per cage. They are provided with autoclaved corn cob bedding, ad libitum RO water, and food in sterilized bottles and feeders. The animal rooms are meticulously maintained, including monthly fumigation and twice-daily cleaning. We prioritize the welfare and humane treatment of animals through ongoing awareness training for employees. Staff working with animals and chemicals receive comprehensive job-specific training, including demonstrations, direct supervision, and information on potential hazards such as infectious diseases, chemicals, radiation, and species-specific risks. Training on safe handling of compressed gases, cryogenic liquids, and emergency procedures is also provided to ensure a safe working environment for all. We are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all our employees, regardless of gender. While the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013, specifically addresses the protection of women, Sai extends these provisions to safeguard both male and female employees at our locations across India. As part of our commitment to education and prevention, we have integrated strict rules and regulations against sexual harassment into our employee conduct and discipline policies. We encourage all employees to report any instances of sexual harassment they experience personally. Additionally, concerned colleagues are empowered to notify the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) of any behaviour they witness that may constitute sexual harassment towards another employee. Our goal is to maintain a respectful and safe work environment where every individual feels secure and supported. Animal Testing Sexual Harassment Policy Information security is paramount to ensuring that “Due Care” is exercised in safeguarding our information assets and those of our customers, employees, and stakeholders. “Due Care” is defined as providing cost-effective protection of information, proportionate to its business value. The potential risk to Sai Life Sciences Limited from compromised confidentiality, integrity, or availability of information underscores the critical nature of this responsibility. As we establish our ISMS Information Security Management System (ISMS), which is crucial for the applicability of our ISMS policy and certification to ISO 27001:2022, our primary objective is to demonstrate the organization’s commitment to information security through a comprehensive management process across the entire organization. Information Security Incidents reported 1. Number of confirmed corruption incidents 2. Number of reports related to whistleblower procedure 3. Number of incidents of discrimination and harassment 4. Number of information security breaches 5. Number of anti-competitive cases or behaviour NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL