Sai Life Sciences Sustainability Report - 2023-24

34 The name Manufacture 2030 (M2030) was specifically chosen in line with the Sustainable Development Goals intended to be achieved by 2030 - defined as ‘the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all’. The program specifically targets climate change through collective and collaborative actions. We are aligned with the Activate program of M2030 as a key supplier to founding members belonging to the pharmaceutical industry. We will be closely working with them so that we get the guidance and insights to implement our action plans, accelerate carbon reductions and get our glidepath on track to their target. Partnership with our key customers to decarbonize healthcare supply chains Beyond 2025 Commit to switch to at least 80% renewable power by 2030 & make commitment public We have used 50% renewable power in our overall operations at organizational level as on FY 2024. We have committed to replace 70% of our energy requirement with renewable sources by FY 27. By 2030, explore options to source green heat We are exploring biomass briquettes as alternate fuel as a green field source. Commit to set standards for own suppliers We have a supplier code of conduct and ethics that outlines the standards and requirements for our suppliers on aspects of Health, Safety & Environmental Sustainability and Labor & Human Rights. Set targets to increase water efficiency and commit to adopt water stewardship standards We have targets for reducing water consumption as part of SDGs and continously improve our water stewardship practices. By 2025 Assess and disclose Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 2025 We are assessing our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions from FY 20 and disclosing in our annual sustainability report. Commit to set near-term targets aligned to the 1.5° C pathway (SBTi) We have committed to set near-term targets aligned with the 1.5-degree pathway (SBTi) in June 2023. Our commitment is approved by SBTi already. Set targets to reduce water (incl. solvents) & energy and reuse materials in manufacturing We have targets for hazardous waste reduction and overall GHG emission reduction. Energy conservation programs are in place. Manufacture 2030 - Collaboration with big pharma to decarbonise healthcare supply chains Co-creating sustainable outcomes