Sai Life Sciences Sustainability Report - 2023-24

36 Synergising Digitalization and Sustainability Key achievements and value additions: • Elimination of repetitive processes: Achieving significant resource efficiency • Actionable Insights: Accelerating turnaround time (TAT) and ensuring compliance • 24/7 Report Availability: Ensuring constant access to vital information • Historical analysis: Enabling better trend analysis and forecasting • Alerts: Proactive notifications for timely actions Project Management | 2 Production | 2 Medchem | 3 Quality Assurance | 5 Supply Chain Mgmt. | 3 Finance | 7 Ana. Research & Development | 2 HR | 1 -------------------- Sustainability | 1 ---------------------- IT |1 Yield Dashboard | BCT Dashboard Reactor Capacity Utilization | BCF Dashboard BIOVIA ELN Compliance | BIOVIA CMC Compliance | Project Health Tracker Deviation | CAPA | Change Control| Out of Specification | Planned Change Medchem Dashboard | SCM OTIF Dashboard | CMC Dashboard Unleashing insights, transforming data into action: 15 + Dashboards developed & planned to be rolled out in next quarter AR Dashboard |Invoice Billing | Inventory| Revenue Recognition By Date of Closing |Revenue Recognition By Date of Start |Revenue Recognition By Inventory Analytical Tracker-NAMR HPLC TAT| Cluster Wise Analytical Tracker Unit IV Staffing Dashboard |Sustainability Dashboard | Endpoint Compliance Dashboard BCT Dashboard is in progress • Comparison of Budget Vs Actual Yield & BCF-BCT. Assay corrected • Trend by Month & Year & drill down till batches • This is an enabler to ascertain Production Efficiency • Covers the utilization of reactors by blocks • Percentage of idle time & Utilization trend • Status of Experiments & Yield evaluation • Experiments Per FTE & ARD TAT • Project management of chemistry projects on granular level • Provides an observatory analysis & reporting on the CAPA, Deviation & the subsequent QMS reporting. • Breakdown by department, activity & action. • Holistic picture of the compliance. • Provides an analysis of supplier OTIF as per SLA • Breakdown of delay by PR, PO, by item no. and categorised by buyer • Holistic picture of the of the PR to MRN timeline • Holistic view of cashflow cycle • Instant snapshot of billing & ARs • Visibility on inventory & trend over period • Analysis & reporting of TAT for the Sample • Submitted to Result Upload Time for NMR, LCMS & HPLC • Considered the calendar & week offs for TAT computations • Provides Unit-4 shopfloor resource planning • Breakdown of the resource availability by the status for production & historical trend • Sustainability - Analysis of water utilization, energy, waste & emissions over a period by units • IT Endpoint – Provides detailed software compliance, status of the critical software & antivirus status 27 Total Dashboards automated 9+ Total Departments Covered ~500+ Hours saved per month 50+ Stakeholders benefitted