Sai Life Sciences Sustainability Report - 2023-24

42 To anticipate and avoid risks to the supply chain, it is part of our practice to profile and periodically assess vendors on multiple attributes. Based on the analysis, action plans for improvement are implemented. Our procurement team regularly engages with our key supply partners by way of periodic updates, one to one meeting and through supplier meets. The assessment on ESG aspects is planned once in three years, or as per the regulatory body or customer requirement. The score for each parameter of risk is categorised as 1, 2 and 3 and for each parameter, score 3 is considered as 100%. • Management systems and training • Greenhouse gas emissions and Energy use • Air emissions • Water management • Waste management • Packaging • Pollution prevention • Transportation • Workplace management • Health & Safety • Forced labor • Child Labor & Young Workers • Discrimination • Freedom of Association & Collective bargaining • Harassment & Abuse • Compensation • Hours of work • Accountability • Grievance and Remediation • Supplier Management • Stakeholder Engagement • Code of conduct • Anti bribery and Anti corruption Environment Social Governance ESG criteria for supplier assessment