Sai Life Sciences Sustainability Report - 2023-24

45 Catalyzing Growth through Environmental Stewardship The need for climate and broader sustainability action is coming under scrutiny and global policies, actions and results are being re-evaluated. Manufacturing companies are investing efforts towards climate action and environment responsibility not as a hindrance to profitability but as an opportunity. We at Sai, believe that integrating strong environmental, social and governance principles into growth strategies leads to sustainable performance in terms of growth, profitability and create shared value for our stakeholders. We understand that environmental stewardship done right, can become a catalyst for innovation, greater efficiency, lower costs and business growth. We are embedding EHS considerations in everything we undertake in our operations, collaborating with our value chain partners by setting focused targets to make a positive impact for the communities where we operate and play a positive part in leaving a cleaner earth for the generations to come. Our approach Resource Efficiency Climate Action With an increase in global manufacturing footprint, our company is challenged with increased environmental impact and we undertake the responsibility of managing our resources efficiently: • Materials • Energy • Water Management - Conservation - Recycle and Reuse-Effluent discharges In our effort to align with the global goal on climate action, we are focusing our efforts on making necessary changes to protect the planet: • GHG emissions • Renewable energy • Energy conservation Encon initiatives • Waste heat recovery system • Emission control mechanisms • ODS • Climate risks and opportunities Environmental Impact Environmental Governance We proactively identify the impacts arising from our business operations, practices and products on the environment and commit to addressing them by seeking sustainable solutions: • Green chemistry • Pollution prevention – Waste management - EPR authorization - Single Use Plastic • Biodiversity • Supplier environmental assessment We are committed to integrating environmental considerations into every aspect of our operations, ensuring that our practices align with the highest standards of environmental responsibility: • Management systems • Digitalization of sites on reporting EHS/ sustainability disclosures • Key environmental performance • Environmrntal training