Sai Life Sciences Sustainability Report - 2023-24

51 The state of the art Zero Liquid Discharge System (ZLDS) system handles the treatment of effluent discharges. We follow a systematic approach for treatment of effluents and the treatment approach is designed as per the TDS levels in the effluent stream. The high TDS effluent stream are treated using Stripper, Multiple Effect Evaporator and Agitated Thin Film Dryer. Low TDS effluents are treated using primary and biological treatment. Energy consumption is monitored through the entire cycle of treatment of effluent streams by installation of energy efficient blowers, pumps and other accessories. The effluent is completely treated in closed loop cycle within our premises and treated water is reused for utility applications thus maintaining a Zero Liquid (ZLD) discharge approach. At our Bidar manufacturing site, we ensure that no water is discharged to the surface, ground, or sea, effectively preventing any release of substances or pollutants into any water sources. The effluents generated at the Shameerpet and Bollaram sites are being sent to a common effluent treatment plant on daily basis after preliminary treatment. Recycle and Reuse of wastewater Effluent disposal (%) Effluent discharge load in Kg/year Effluent disposal (%) FY 20 FY 21 FY 22 FY 23 FY 24 Zero Liquid discharge 63 64 46 44 52 Common effluent treatment plant 21 20 22 23 23 In house treatment 9 9 15 12 9 For third party usage 6 6 17 20 16 Parameter UoM Unit II Unit III Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Kg/Year 322.43 357.92 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Kg/Year 909.91 1036.96 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Kg/Year 159.9 193.54 16% 52% 16% 9% For third party usage (%) Zero Liquid discharge (%) Common effluent treatment plant (%) In house treatment (%) Effluent generated & recycled (ML) FY 20 FY 21 FY 22 FY 23 FY 24 75.808 27.400 78.229 26.517 50.191 25.018 59.782 27.034 70.661 33.601 Generation Recycled