Sai Life Sciences Sustainability Report - 2023-24

52 We implemented a rainwater harvesting system at our Unit-4 Bidar facility. These systems collect rainwater from rooftops and other surfaces, directing it to storage tanks for subsequent treatment and reuse. The harvested rainwater is pre-treated to meet appropriate quality standards and utilized for non-potable purposes within our facilities. This includes cooling tower and various cleaning applications. The water is pre-treated, then filtered with a cartridge filter before being transported to the RO plant to be further purified. If the water from the RO plant does not match the standards, it is delivered to the effluent treatment plant for treatment before being stored in storage tanks and used for cooling towers. By implementing pre-treatment of rainwater, we achieved a significant reduction of 5,037 KL, equivalent to 5.41%, in our freshwater consumption. At our Bidar plant, we have an on-site wastewater treatment facility (STP), where 6,552 KL of treated wastewater was reused for gardening during the reporting year (Graph on % of wastewater reused). The domestic wastewater from our Shameerpet site is sent to the IKP Common Sewage treatment facility and treated water using for the greenbelt development in the park. while the wastewater from our Bollaram manufacturing unit is sent to the common effluent treatment facility at Patancheru.To ensure compliance and maintain high standards, a wastewater quality assessment is conducted monthly at each facility by a third-party organization. % of Wastewater reused (Sewage) FY 22 FY 23 FY 24 4.90 5.18 6.64 % of Wastewater recycled (Effluent) FY 22 FY 23 FY 24 24% 27% 23%