Sai Life Sciences Sustainability Report - 2023-24

62 Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) It is a work practice designed to identify leaking equipment so that emissions can be reduced through repairs. EPA estimates that there is reduction of VOC emissions by 56% in chemical facilities that implement LDAR • Reduces fugitive emissions from equipment leaks • Reduces product loses • Increases the safety of the operators and workers at the shop floor • Minimizes the exposure to emissions Protocols followed in the LDAR study • Chemical streams that must be monitored • Types of components to be monitored (pumps, valves, connectors etc) • Frequency of monitoring • Method of monitoring • Actions to be taken if a leak is discovered • Length of time in which an initial attempt to repair the leak must be performed • Length of time in which an effective repair of the leak must be made • Actions that must be taken if a leak cannot be repaired within the guidelines • Record-keeping and reporting requirements At Sai, we undertake a proactive approach and conduct a Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) study to effectively reduce Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions. This proactive approach involved identifying and repairing potential leak sources in our equipment and systems, thereby minimizing VOC emissions and enhancing our commitment to environmental stewardship. We conduct monthly VOC monitoring across all our locations using advanced VOC detectors to ensure air quality and minimize emissions. Outcome of the LDAR: Total VOC loss before repair 28.64 Kg/Year Total VOC loss after repair 0.030 Kg/Year Total VOC reduced by repair 28.610 Kg/Year For rotating equipment such as motors in transfer pumps, centrifuges, blowers, and diesel generators, we perform vibration analysis. Vibration analysis of all equipments is done once in six months.These equipments are categorized into four classes: • Class 01: Motors up to 20 horsepower (HP). • Class 02: Motors from 20 HP to 100 HP. • Class 03: Motors with more than 100 HP. • Class 04: Equipment with larger bases that experience significant vibration, such as centrifuges and diesel generators. Additionally, we perform monthly illumination monitoring to assess the lighting levels in work areas, ensuring compliance with safety and operational standards. The emission parameters are regularly monitored through a NABL approved laboratory and the reports submitted to the pollution control board on monthly basis. Ambient air quality is measurement, critical air pollutants are measured and monitored viz. Carbon Monoxide (CO), Lead (Pb), Arsenic (As), Nickel (Ni), Ozone (O3), Ammonia (NH3), Benzene (C6H6), Benzo (a), pyrene (BaP) etc., are monitored. Ambient air quality monitoring is done for all above mentioned parameters once in three months and for only four parameters i.e. particulate matter PM10, and PM2.5, SO2, NO2 is done once in a month. Monitoring of stack gas emissions of boiler and DG sets by considering Flue gas Temperature, Flue gas Velocity, Total Flow rate, PM, SO2, NO2 as parameters. Continuous emissions monitoring (CEM) analyzers are installed to monitor SPM, SO2 and NOx at Boiler stacks and parameters are connected online to both the state and central pollution control Boards. Stack discharge in kg/Year: Parameter Total Discharge in kg/year PM 3560 NOx 2884 SO2 2691 CO 7 We conduct annual indoor and ambient air quality tests, as well as noise monitoring, to ensure a safe and healthy work environment. All parameters consistently meet regulatory norms, achieving 100% compliance. High-noise areas have been clearly identified and marked, with mandatory PPE such as ear plugs and ear muffs provided to all workers in these zones. Ambient noise monitoring is conducted monthly to ensure ongoing compliance. To further reduce noise levels, we have implemented acoustic enclosures for all diesel generator (DG) sets, blowers, and compressors, effectively minimizing noise exposure and enhancing worker safety