Sai Life Sciences Sustainability Report - 2023-24

71 Our pollution prevention measures encompasses waste management, effluent treatment, and emissions control to minimize our environmental impact. By implementing stringent waste management practices, including segregation, recycling, and disposal in accordance with regulatory guidelines, we strive to reduce waste generation. Our state-of-theart effluent treatment plants ensure that wastewater is treated to meet stringent discharge standards. Additionally, we employ advanced technologies and processes to control emissions, noise, and odor, thereby mitigating air pollution and creating a healthier environment for our employees and surrounding communities. PFD to be included for Reject Recycle RO Reject Recycle RO (RRO) was installed to reduce the load of HTDS effluent on the MEE (Multiple Effect Evaporator) plant of the Zero Liquid Discharge System (ZLDS) at Bidar manufacturing plant. This has significantly reduced the effluent load to the MEE plant and eventually, the energy consumption, Coal consumption and the associated GHG emissions. Process: The reject from existing 250 KLD primary RO plant is sent as a feed to 50 KLD Reject Recycle RO plant to recover minimum 50% permeate from this rejects and concentrated reject of 50 KLD RO plant is sent for further treatment in MEE plants. This reduces the direct 250 KLD plant reject load on MEE plant by 50%. Advantages: • Increase in effluent recycling and reduction of effluent load to the MEE of the ZLDS plants. • Reduction in effluent load on MEE plant, ultimately reducing requirement of Cooling & heating utilities further reducing operation of cooling towers and boiler (Energy conservation) • Reduction of steam and coal consumption in the boiler • Reduction in carbon footprint helping to combat climate change This is a major step in phasing out coal and contributing to decarbonization initiative, in line with our accelerated commitment to climate action. This contributes to an overall reduction of absolute GHG emissions by 3% at an organizational level. Reject Recycle RO plant Single stage Reject RO RO-2 Reject to MEE Permeate to Degasser ZK ZĞũĞĐƚ ^ƚŽƌĂŐĞ ZK WĞƌŵĞĂƚĞ ^ƚŽƌĂŐĞ ;ϳϱ <>Ϳ Waste management We are committed to minimizing waste generation and maximizing resource recovery. We adopt a circular approach and focus on reduce, reuse, recycle, recover and prioritize disposal through composting, and waste-to-energy via coprocessing for alternate fuel recovery and incineration at last. 97% of our total wastes are sent to cement industries for use as an alternate fuel. Hazardous waste is managed with utmost care, adhering to a zero-landfill policy. We prioritize co-processing in cement industries as an alternative fuel, thereby recovering energy value from waste. Currently at the Bidar site, 100% of the hazardous waste at Bidar is co-processed in cement industries as alternate fuel recovery. We have achieved a total of 97% waste repurposing across our units by implementing robust waste segregation, adopting resource-efficient processes, and exploring innovative waste treatment technologies. Pollution prevention