Sai Life Sciences Sustainability Report - 2023-24

79 Our 8 focus areas Leadership Organizational Culture Organizational Vision & Policies Opportunities to learn and grow Quality of people engagement in the value chain Quality of co-working Quality of Work Quality of Relationships People Sustainability We look at Leadership as the ability to set direction, connect with & inspire Focus on being fair & transparent, recognizing employees, their safety & well-being, and values Organization’s Purpose, Vision, Mission, the kind of social impact we create, Organization Policies and Benefits and Employee Safety & Well-being Growth in terms of upskilling, career, and compensation levels, and be successful to achieve aspirations Focus on Contractor management & community engagement in the operating environment and code of conduct for suppliers in addressing their social impacts Team’s ability to work together, deliver high-quality output, and connect with each other Focus on all aspects of work, be it Goals & Targets, Work Autonomy, Work-Life balance, Sense of purpose from the job and job fit Managers showing empathy, coach & guide, and provide feedback. Develop a culture where employees are open to sharing their opinion. Nurturing People and Community engagement for Sustainable Performance