Sai Life Sciences Sustainability Report - 2023-24

83 Rate of new employee hires Rate of employee turnover Region Total Telangana 27% Karnataka 41% UK 16% Region Male Female Total Telangana 24% 24% 24% Karnataka 32% 23% 32% UK 20% 9% 17% Gender diversity encompasses culture and actions to address actual and perceived barriers and to systematically remove them. These are the various women empowerment initiatives in the reporting year. 1. Women in Chemistry and Science initiative 2. DEI Club 3. Engagement of men leaders as Gender advocates 4. Celebrating success stories of women 5. Recruitment Incentive for improving diversity We are creating safe spaces for women to share and listen to each other’s experiences. It has generated a deeper level of empathy among our people to reflect on and become sponsors and advocates. We have created a dedicated rest place called ForEva for women employees to rejuvenate and recharge in stressed times. It is provided with comfortable recliners for women to relax during menstrual cycles or pregnancy. Women in Chemistry and Science to enhance the presence of women employees in functional and leadership roles. Health talks and women wellness sessions and Risk assessment for pregnant women. Monthly meetings – DEI Club. Extended DEI group to ideate, sensitise, and create awareness. Campus Hiring - Collaboration with Colleges for hiring trainees, more focus and increase probability towards gender diversity hiring. Under 30 Under 30 Male Male 46% 38% 36% 26% 25% 22% 24% 20% 8% 13% 0% 0% Female Female Male Male Female Female Male Male Female Female 30-50years 30-50years >50 years >50 years