Sai Life Sciences Sustainability Report - 2023-24

86 Our approach is informed by our Social Accountability Policy. Our commitment to human rights is applicable to all our employees, including labour and human rights expectations for contractors and suppliers. Our goal and approach Child Labour Freedom of Association & Right to collective bargaining Forced or Compulsory labour Discrimination Health & Safety Discipinary Practices Management system Working Hours Remuneration We have a comprehensive set of policies that define how we aim to operate in socially responsible ways. We are committed to: • Creating an efficient management system • Aiming for continual improvement • Focusing on preventive rather than detection and reaction • Supporting UN and ILO conventions by incorporating human rights and protection of the rights of a child in our policies • Promoting ethical sourcing practices • As part of our Human Rights policy, we provide a multi-level Grievance redressal mechanism and a highly empowered committee acts swiftly in case of violations Human & Labour Rights