Sai Life Sciences Sustainability Report - 2023-24

88 Freedom of association and right to collective bargaining We support the right of workers to engage in collective bargaining and to select representatives for negotiations with management. There is no interference, restriction, discrimination, or retaliation against workers who exercise their right to representation. Additionally, we uphold the rights of all personnel to join trade unions of their choice and to engage in collective bargaining. Furthermore, we are committed to ensuring that worker representatives and those involved in organizing workers are not subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or retaliation. Employees in levels 0, A, 1, and 2 are eligible for weekday overtime payment. Overtime exceeding 1 hour qualifies for OT payment, provided the employee is working on-site and belongs to departments and roles covered by this policy. Saimers working on-site during the night shift are entitled to the Night Shift Allowance on night shifts, in accordance with the policy. Employees working for manufacturing related functions are eligible for monthly block performance incentives. These incentives are designed to recognize and reward effective teamwork and contributions to meeting production targets. Working hours and remuneration Addressing discrimination, grievances, health & safety considerations It is crucial to prioritize maintaining the dignity and respect of individuals within the workplace environment. We are unwavering in our commitment to preventing any form of harassment or discrimination, including sexual harassment, as prohibited by law. Our Prevention of Sexual Harassment Policy aims to proactively address any acts of sexual harassment in the workplace while providing a clear procedure for addressing related complaints. All employees have undergone comprehensive training on human rights policies, labour policy, the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) Policy, Grievance Redressal Policy, and the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics. These training sessions also covered conflicts of interest, measures against corruption and bribery, anti-money laundering policies, and fair employment practices that strictly prohibit discrimination, harassment, and promote diversity. Furthermore, our training programs encompass health, safety, and environmental responsibility, information security, and fair competition practices. All training was conducted through Compliance Wire, our digital Learning Management System (LMS, ensuring thorough coverage for both new and regular employees.” Element No. of cases Child labour Nil Forced labour Nil Discrimination Nil