Sai Life Sciences Sustainability Report - 2023-24

89 Training on Social accountability External human rights assessment We have imparted training on SA 8000 standard requirements (child labour, forced labour, health & safety, freedom of association & right to collective bargaining, discrimination, disciplinary practices, working hours, remuneration) and 93% of our employees have been trained at India locations. 30 people have been trained as Internal auditor for SA8000 standard. We have launched a new initiative as part of our commitment to human rights. We have provided specialized training sessions for the cross- functional team. These sessions aimed to equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to conduct thorough external human rights impact assessments and understand the impact on external stakeholders. This assessment involves consulting and collaborating with local populations and authorities. Human rights due diligence 1. Assess human rights impact Use risk assessments to survey, analyse, identify and evaluate human rights risks. Engage in dialogue with stakeholders 2. Prevent and reduce adverse impacts Establish action plan Take steps to prevent potential adverse impacts. Take corrective measures for identified adverse impacts 3. Monitor Track and verify effectiveness of efforts to address negative impacts. Review activity plans 4. Disclose information Report to management. Disclose results of initiatives on website and in reports.