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Late phase & commercial manufacturing

Late phase & commercial manufacturing

cGMP manufacturing services for API and intermediates in late-phase and commercial

We provide full-fledged cGMP manufacturing services for API and intermediates in late phase and commercial.

Why choose Sai?

  • FDA and PMDA-certified facility
  • 450 KL capacity
  • Hydrogenation, Cryogenics, Lyophilization, Commercial chromatography capabilities
  • PLC automated manufacturing blocks
  • Online quality management system
  • Approved by several big pharma customers from HSE and Quality perspectives
  • Zero liquid discharge

Superior quality management

Our quality management system operates online through a system that has received appreciation from many clients and regulatory bodies. We provide regulatory services to support DMF and CMC section packages for NDA filings. An Operational Excellence team works alongside the various departments to bring about continual improvement.

How does it work?

Sai Life Sciences provides GMP Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients and intermediates for late clinical phase and commercial New Chemical Entities for US, European and Japanese innovators. Our flagship manufacturing facility in Bidar, India has a 450 KL capacity and has successfully passed US FDA and Japanese PMDA inspections. We utilize hydrogenators ranging from 0.5 KL to 4 KL that can operate up to 50 bar, cryogenic reactors with an operating range down to -80 °C, air jet mills, a 300-L lyophilization suite, and class 100,000 clean rooms providing enhanced capabilities for a wide range of processes.

Our production blocks have been designed for flexibility across multi-purpose reactor trains. We operate at containment levels of 1 mcg /m3

Manufacturing facility, Bidar, India

API Manufacturing Facility, Bidar, India

Sai Life Sciences’ flagship manufacturing centre (Unit IV) delivers cGMP API and intermediates for early phase, late phase and commercial molecules across US, Europe and Japan.
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Thomas Osswald, Head, Technical Oversight, Roche, Switzerland

How do you react when Roche, a global pharma major, keeps track of the progress of its research partner in a far country? Thomas Osswald, Head, Technical Oversight at Basel, Switzerland, specifically recalls that in 2011, two production buildings – Bidar Block II and III were in operation and over the years the capacity has been increased to multiple manufacturing assets and several hundred cubic feet of reactor capacity.

Thank you Thomas, for believing our R&T Center at Hyderabad will become a landmark… just like our relationship.

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